Cult Hero

Phoenix Perry is an artist and activist who often uses culture as a medium. Building educational and organizational structures is akin to writing social fiction. They frequently contemplate questions like: What kind of world do we want? How do we get there from here? Creatively, they are captivated by play, embodied social cognition, technology, and their intricate relationship.

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  • My open-source software contributionshave reached significant numbers of developers, with my present project,InteractML having over 50,000+ active users
  • I have founded two successful charity organizations, Code Liberation Foundation (2012-2022) and Devotion Gallery (2009-2014).
  • I have given over 70+ talks in the EU, UK, US, Canada, and South Africa and am a sought-after public speaker, often giving keynotes
  • I have contributed to 2 books on software development
  • I have contributed to the creation of three-degree programs, 2 at the masters level and one at the undergraduate level and have been teaching in academia for 13 years delivering award winning teaching across four universities
  • I ran a successful game and interactive studio, Dozen Eyes in NYC (2013-2015)
  • I have worked my entire career to further inclusion in media arts and programming, now serving on four boards across the third sector, charity, and corporate organizations
  • I am an installation, game, and video artist that started in 1998 with hundreds of exhibitions, with selected shows detailed below
  • I have organized, curated, and delivered hundreds of public events in the arts and creative industries
  • Before joining academia, I worked as an Art Director and Creative Director in Design from 1999-2013,(14 years) designing and delivering award winning interactive work consistently